The Memorial on Parade Commemorative Parkette

(ST. JOHN’S, NL), June 6, 2017 – On Wednesday, June 7, 2017, at 11 a.m., a promotional signpost will be unveiled at the site of the proposed Memorial on Parade Parkette on Parade St. at Fort Townsend by representatives of the partner institutions involved: Memorial University, the former College of Fisheries (now the Marine Institute of MUN) and the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary.

This event represents the beginning of Phases Two of the project which is expected to be completed by September, 2017. Phase One was completed in September, 2014, with the mounting of a commemorative plaque at the main entrance, honouring those who paid the supreme sacrifice in WWI and for whom the building and Memorial University were named.

The memorial ‘parkette’ will comprise three history boards, engraved crests for each of the institutions set in granite and engraved granite paving stones, forming the base of the memorial, which will be sold as part of the fundraiser for the project.

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For further information, please contact:

Bob LeMessurier

Chair, the Memorial on Parade Commemorative Project Committee





At a time when some historic buildings are falling to the bulldozer, there is one that is not, and, in fact, has undergone considerable refurbishment which has left it better-than-new. We’re referring to what has often been called the ‘old Memorial building’ on Parade St., now the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Memorial Campus, an annex to the RNC Provincial Headquarters at Fort Townsend, used as an education and training facility for RNC personnel. In fact, this building has been a place of higher learning and training since it was opened in 1924, first as the new home for the Normal School for training teachers, and, then, joined by the new Memorial University College, in 1925, so-named to honour those who paid the supreme sacrifice in WWI. Both institutions would occupy this facility until 1933 when the west extension was added and the Normal School merged with the College to later become the Faculty of Education. In 1949, at Confederation with Canada, Memorial College would become Memorial University of Newfoundland.


This iconic structure was also the home of the College of Fisheries, Navigation, Marine Engineering & Electronics from 1964 to 1985 when it moved to its new campus on Ridge Rd. and re-named the Institute of Fisheries & Marine Technology. In 1991 it merged with MUN to become the Fisheries & Marine Institute of Memorial University. For a short period the building also housed the St. John’s campus of the Avalon Community College.


In an effort to preserve and display the histories of each of these institutions, a voluntary committee, with the assistance of Alumni Affairs and Development at MUN and the RNC, and consisting of alumni, former staff and other members of the partner institutions, was struck to undertake the ‘Memorial on Parade Commemorative Project’.


  • Phase One saw the mounting and unveiling of a commemorative plaque, honouring those who died in WWI, at the main entrance of the building, in September, 2014.
  • Phase Two, currently in progress, will see the construction by the Grand Concourse Authority, project managers, of a memorial ‘parkette’ to the left-front of the building. This site will comprise three display boards depicting the history of each institution, as well as, their engraved crests set in granite. The base of the memorial will consist of engraved paving stones which will be sold as a fundraiser for this venture.
  • Phase Three will consist of the construction of three more history boards, two at the MUN main campus on Elizabeth Ave. and one at the Marine Institute, on Ridge Rd., displaying the evolution of these institutions from their beginnings at Parade St. to their current sites.


Financial Campaign

Through the generous donations of several alumni of MUN and the university WWI commemorative fund, Phase One was successfully completed at a cost of $8,000.

To help us realize our goal of $45,000, for phases Two and Three, we are seeking donations to the project from alumni and friends of the three partner institutions, and the general public.

Any contribution of course is most welcome and appreciated and will receive a receipt for income tax purposes; however, donations of $1000 or more will receive special recognition.

Contributions may take the form of one or more of the following:

(1) sponsorship of one or more of the components, such as, history boards ($3500), or engraved crests ($1500);

(2) buying one or more engraved granite paving stones, (at $200 for the 6”x12” paver and $350 for the 12’X12” stone), engraved to the donor’s specifications, or,

(3) making a cash donation to the cause. Donors of $1000 will be gifted a 6”X12” engraved stone.


Major donors to date include the Johnson and Fry Family Foundations, the Newfoundland & Labrador Teachers Association, the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary Historical Society and several alumni and friends of MUN, the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary, and the former College of Fisheries, totalling over $30,000.




These historic Parade Grounds which served Fort Townsend and the Royal Newfoundland Constabulary and saw the construction in 1924, and occupation of this ‘Memorial’ building by four institutions of higher learning and training, rightfully deserve honour and recognition, as the committee has attempted to do through its Memorial on Parade commemorative project.

We hope you agree and will lend your support.


The Memorial on Parade Commemorative Project Steering Committee

MUC – SitePromoSign – MAY30-2017



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