RNC Statement on Reconciliation and Growth

Reconciliation requires action. The RNC recognizes the colonial history of Newfoundland and Labrador, the ongoing harms that it has caused, and the societal constructs formed as a result. The RNC is not immune to this systemic formation of racism, discrimination and societal differences within our institutions, resulting in injustices to Indigenous and other racialized people. The RNC acknowledges the impact of racism within our communities, the role police have played in it, and the RNC’s responsibility to move forward in the spirit of reconciliation.

After meeting with representatives of First Voice, Chief Roche and his management team are committed to a pathway of change and growth. While the RNC has taken some preliminary steps, there is still work to be done. The RNC will engage First Voice and other Indigenous groups to review and support the implementation of the Calls for Justice of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. In doing so, the RNC understands that action to advance truth and reconciliation depends on building long-term relationships that are grounded in mutual respect and understanding, and that action must be led by and in partnership with Indigenous Peoples. With these objectives in mind, the RNC has made commitments to review current training to ensure RNC officers and civilians are equipped with appropriate anti-racism training, to undertake a review of policies and procedures, and to work to repair our relationship with the urban Indigenous community with counsel from First Voice.

Serving our communities, and providing the highest standard of police service requires collaboration and meaningful engagement. The RNC is focused on an open and honest approach to addressing historical and current harms and seeking improvement at any opportunity, guided by respect and understanding. The RNC sends its gratitude to First Voice for an open and frank discussion, and look forward to building a meaningful relationship.

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Cst. James. C. Cadigan  #775
Media Relations & Public Communication
Royal Newfoundland Constabulary

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